
4.7 ( 6197 ratings )
工具 社交
开发 Daniel Toranzo Perez
0.99 USD

Share something with the world!

Easy way to share your ideas or your images with your iPad.
Type what you want to share and you are almost done, just click the service for sharing. The same thing occurs with the images (Take a picture or select a picture from your album). The pictures taken with this app can be saved in your device without sharing. Dont copy/paste anymore! A single login in each service and forget login again. If at some point you would like to stop the activity, you will be able to disable all your services with a single touch.

Supported services:

- Facebook.
- Twitter.
- Tumblr.
- SMS. via the message app (if exists) included in your iPad.
- Mail.


Take a photo requires an iOS device with camera.
SMS requieres an iPad with SMS capabilities.